Wednesday, July 31, 2013

House, Honeymoon,Chair Make-Over

Long time no post! Ok really now Im ready to make this a regular deal!
Quick update : We got our house, been working like crazy on it (when we actually have time to).
Went on our honeymoon to Japan. What an amazing trip! Now we plan to go to France next year to visit my Aunt and maybe a few other countries if we have the vacation time!
And now we are continuing to work on the house.

I have lots to do as far as the make over of our house goes we both do but heres a fun little project that was a result of a compromise between Adam and I. It started with this leather chair:
A brownish leather chair, its one of those super comfy chairs like the ones you just sink into at the library. Problem is it doesn't go with my vision for our new house (and I never really liked the look of it in our apartment). 
I wanted to get rid of the chair, Adam refused. Then I decided to cover it with fabric after seeing an article on Pinterest about how to cover leather furniture. Well the hubby didn't like that idea either because he liked the chair soooo much as a leather chair (and we cannot afford a new leather anything after the Japan trip and buying a house!). 
So I started researching online to find something we could both live with. I found Rub and Restore website here. Since we have a black mantle in our new room (and you can see the cream colored walls in the picture above) I decided to paint/stain this chair Black to continue with whatever vision I have in my mind, though I am not sure what category it falls under! 
I got the 16 oz. bottle of the color (they have a ton of color choices and will even color match for you) stain and 8 oz. of the clear coat/refinish a total including shipping it was about 60 dollars, which is less than what I would have spent on Fabric anyway.
After several, several thin coats of the product, it probably took around 10 hours total which again if I was going to recover it with fabric its probably the same or less time (instructions and all are very simple and included a manual that comes when you order it online plus there are videos on youtube for how-tos as well) Here is the before and after shot

I still have to add the top clear coat, but I have to wait for the stain to cure for 3 days. It took a lot of time, but I am quite happy with the difference. And honestly I dont know if it needs the clear coat but since I bought it I will use it!

What do you think an improvement? Adam says it feels a little stiffer but I honestly think its just more like a new leather chair and needs to be broken in a bit. 
Im happy and now I dont have to look at that hideous brown anymore! 

Til next time!